Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Challenge 4, Day 6, 7:04 PM

microfilm took the flour baby to the store with us yesterday. the chef decided to come for some reason

  • i put the flour baby in the top cart and microphone chastised me for not putting the seatbelt on the flour baby
  • while we were passing through the aisle with the flour the chef tried putting the flour baby on the shelf and putting a regular bag of flour in the cart. when we asked her why she did that she pretended like she didn't do anything
  • microfilm was looking at the flour baby and almost ran into the cheez-it display
  • the cashier gave us a dirty look when we didn't put the flour baby on the conveyor belt and we had to explain what the deal was to them. the chef tried arguing against what we were saying

we bought movie theater tickets earlier in the week. the chef refused to come so the flour baby sat in the chef's seat and the people next to us looked at us weird

  • at one point microfilm passed the popcorn to the flour baby. the flour baby did not eat any of the popcorn
  • microfilm during like halfway through the movie decided to move the flour baby in between the two of us
  • i tried swapping between the flour baby and i so that i was next to microfilm again and when i did that i noticed that there was some fraying on the bag from how much it was being held. i put a patch on it since
  • i only realized after the movie ended that microfilm bought extra concessions
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Challenge 4, Day 6, 8:24 PM

Okay you are NOT saying this like how it actually happened. I was looking at the floor in the supermarket and the seatbelt was just so that it wouldn't fall out. Also the extra concessions were for me.

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Challenge 4, Day 6, 9:40 PM

This is exactly what happened by the way. i saw it

Okay, fine
Challenge 4, Day 6, 10:40 PM

Okay, here's what I'll do. I'm fine, and I'm not losing it, and I'll prove it by leaving them on the kitchen table. I won't touch it at all tomorrow. And it'll be just fine, because it's just a thing of flour. You just watch.

Day 5
Day 6
Day 7